English UK: promoting quality English language learning in the UK
English UK: with 350+ members teaching quality English across the UK
Every centre wants to be as inclusive as possible, but advice and guidance on how best to identify and respond to students with specific learning and/or behavioural differences can be hard to find.
Join us on Wednesday 22 November 2018 for a day of guidance and ideas.
If you will be at ICEF Berlin, find us at stand 19, join our UK-themed networking party and join our seminar for an exclusive first-look at data from the crucial summer season...
A charity with the motto "Communicate to Integrate" has been awarded one of the first Eddie Byers awards from English UK.
Agents from markets around the world are keen to work with English UK member centres they visited during a tour of east and central England in October.
Are your team brilliant at agent workshops, advertising and brochures, but less confident around websites, social media and email? Want to bring your centre's marketing into the digital age?