We are looking for a new Chief Executive to lead our strong and enterprising team, and to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders, in creating and implementing a strategy for the next stage in the association's growth.
Around 35 per cent of all students travelling abroad to study English choose to come to the UK, more than 600,000 every year. English language teaching (ELT) generates around £1.2 billion in export earnings for the UK annually.
English UK is the world's leading language teaching association, with more than 450 members. We are a UK registered charity set up to advance the education of international students in the English language. We have established ourselves as the voice of the UK English language teaching sector, and now work with a wide range of partners and stakeholders worldwide to represent the interests of the English language profession.
For more details about this job vacancy, including the outline candidate specifications and how to apply, visit our 'Work for Us' page or contact Saxton Bampfylde Ltd (quoting reference KAJGA).
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