Certificate in International Business English Training (Cert IBET)
This is a specialist qualification for Business English trainers and is offered in partnership by English UK and LanguageCert.
It aims to enhance the skills, expertise and competitiveness of Business English trainers. It is also designed to increase their employability and improve their ability to deliver a quality product to this very specialised group of clients.
About the course
Course delivery
Unlike other English UK-backed courses, the Cert IBET is not taught directly by us but by approved providers in several locations.
The Cert IBET course is delivered in different ways to suit different learning preferences. It can be offered to groups or individuals online, through blended learning, or face-to-face. Some providers also run courses on demand at any location.
Entry requirements
Candidates must hold an initial English language teaching certificate or equivalent in ELT/ TESOL or have a minimum of three years of full-time ELT experience with at least 15 hours per week over 32 weeks. Candidates' English must be of CEFR C1 standard.
Candidates with previous experience of around 40 hours of Business English teaching, including common business terminology, concepts, and skills, and/or significant experience working in a middle management role in business, are also considered advantageous.
Course details and assessment
The course will last at least 50 hours and include 11 modules. The syllabus includes: defining the nature of business English, key business concepts, needs analysis, materials and resources, internationalisation, course and syllabus design, methods and techniques, business communication skills and evaluation and assessment techniques.
Course participants must successfully complete an approved course and submit a 3-4,000-word assignment to obtain the Cert IBET. All assignments are moderated by LanguageCert
For course providers
All course validation and administration is carried out by English UK. We are happy to hear from centres interested in running a Cert IBET course. Full details are available in the course handbook.
To request an application form to become a course provider, please contact huan@englishuk.com or call +44(0) 20 7608 7960.
Enrol on a Cert IBET course
Teachers should contact validated Cert IBET centres directly for further information about approved courses.