This year, English UK's European fair will include Italian agents and high school teachers, encouraging these two key groups of influencers and buyers to send students to the UK to study English.
Rather than a regional focus, the English UK Fair, Italy, Monday 16 – Tuesday 17 October, focuses entirely on one market.
This allows us to respond directly to its nuances and opens the way to a new, innovative approach to market development. Namely, reaching teachers, who may lead groups of students to study English in the UK (both PON and self-funded), in addition to the regular language travel agent channel.
Held in Milan, the fair will combine an afternoon of professional development seminars for local teachers with a one-day agency workshop and an evening event for everyone, a chance for English UK members to network with both sets of influencers and buyers. This new format provides a low-cost option to do business.
Unchanged from our previous fairs, however, is the unique UK English language teaching (ELT) focus, combination of formal B2B meetings and social networking, and high standard of vetting agent delegates.
Why Italy? Why Milan?
Western Europe remains the most important source region for ELT students in the UK. Yet, while Italy is the biggest source market, it has recently seen decline. It is therefore timely to renew our energies promoting English UK member centres and studying English in the UK.
Milan itself has the highest concentration of English UK existing Italian agent connections and was IALCA's preferred option. It is in a relatively wealthy province where overseas destinations may be an affordable option, and it is easy to access from the rest of Italy
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