What the general election manifestos mean for the UK English language teaching sector
21 June 2024

What the general election manifestos mean for the UK English language teaching sector: a summary for English UK members

The party manifestos are out, but who has time to read them during the ELT summer season?

To save you time, we've reviewed the manifestos for the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Green Party, Plaid Cymru, the Scottish National Party, and others.

We have identified policy areas important to the industry and our members and pulled out where these are mentioned in party manifestos. Immigration is a significant issue, but we have also looked at other areas, including those around business for SMEs.

> Read English UK's summary of the party manifestos

The party manifestos in full: 

Once the election is over and the new government is established, we will seek your help with lobbying and campaigning activities.


> Read the English UK manifesto for the new government

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