Member news
  • Displaying 1016 - 1020 of 1592
  • Free webinar on Content and Language Integrated Learning for teachers worldwide
    25 March 2015

    NILE are running a free webinar on Content and Language Integrated Learning for teachers and have invited all fellow English UK members to join on Thursday 2 April, 14.00 GMT.

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  • Student profile: Noor Aalhashem from Iraq
    24 March 2015

    Pleasantly surprised by how relaxed and friendly the UK is, PhD student Noor Aalhashem from Iraq would definitely recommend learning English in the UK and likes living in Cardiff, Wales.

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  • Trust your staff, English UK Management Conference told
    19 March 2015

    The importance of a happy workplace, why you should audit your internal communications, managing difficult people and how to introduce performance-related pay were among a huge variety of sessions at English UK's Management Conference in York.

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  • Closure of A2Z centres in London and Manchester: latest information from English UK
    16 March 2015

    English UK is asking all students at the A2Z language schools in London and Manchester to get in touch with contact details, as both centres appear to have closed.

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  • Appointment sessions by day, dinner in a palace by night: all part of building relationships at the English UK Fair, Budapest
    10 March 2015

    Question: what combines a gypsy band serenade, a competition to find Ronald Reagan in Budapest and 24 appointment sessions over two days?

    Answer: the annual English UK Fair for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. As always, the workshop was very popular, attracting 48 agents from 15 countries, 33 English UK members and five service providers, to the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus in Budapest.


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