Member news
  • Displaying 1026 - 1030 of 1592
  • Managing an ELT centre in the age of social media and instant communication
    20 February 2015

    Loraine Kennedy wants to talk about out-of-office replies. And how the digital age and social media afffect the work environment and leadership in language schools at the English UK Marketing Conference.

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  • Chinese English language training centre seeks UK partners for summer camp
    18 February 2015

    If you are keen to offer young Chinese English learners the opportunity to improve their English at UK based summer camp, then register your interest with UKTI before Wednesday 1 April 2015.

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  • On a mission to meet members
    11 February 2015

    English UK Chief Executive Eddie Byers has been engaging with English UK member centres and regional groups across the country.

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  • Every business starts as a small business, English UK Marketing Conference hears
    10 February 2015

    People aren't the most important part of your business: your brand is, the English UK Marketing Conference 2015 was told in London on Friday 6 February.

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  • Student profile: Abdulaziz Sherif
    4 February 2015

    Abdulaziz Sherif is 24 and a trainee pilot from Tripoli in Libya and is improving his English at the English Language Centre Brighton (ELC).

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