Member news
  • Displaying 1031 - 1035 of 1592
  • Branding: are you getting it right?
    28 January 2015

    Has your marketing team had a strong input into your centre's brand identity? How far does your brand identity extend? Is it just about the typeface and colour palette you use, or does it underpin your whole ethos?

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  • On the road for work? No time to eat and exercise properly?
    26 January 2015

    Then make sure you're in our final session at the English UK Marketing Conference next week when lifestyle wellness expert Celynn Erasmus is going to outline the things busy people can do to improve health and perform better at work.

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  • Overseas visitors spend a record £1.54 billion in November 2014
    23 January 2015

    The Office for National Statistics has released the latest figures for inbound tourism to the UK showing a rise in spending across the UK by overseas visitors.

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  • Anti-marketing, or why you shouldn't always put the customer first
    20 January 2015

    Who should you put first? Not the customer, says Head of Sales at British Study Centres, who will share his surprising marketing techniques at the English UK Marketing Conference next month.

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  • Advice for centres taking students on trips to Paris or nearby
    19 January 2015

    There are restrictions and security advice for anyone leading educational trips to Paris in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the city.

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