Displaying 246 - 250 of 1590
Successful project to improve worldwide English teachers' skills returns at double the size
7 October 2021
We are inviting bids from member centres to help improve the confidence, language and teaching skills of English Teaching Association (ETA) members in 40 nations.
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Optimism returns at ELT marketing events thanks to travel rule changes
1 October 2021
Our business events last week received a welcome bounce from the lifting of Covid travel restrictions. StudyWorld autumn enjoyed extra last minute-agent bookings and the largest-ever educator numbers for an online event, while the mood at the face to face ELT Marketing Conference was more positive than at an English UK event since the pandemic began.
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English UK governance review: task & finish group established
30 September 2021
We are establishing a new task & finish group to undertake a thorough review of the association's constitution and make recommendations to the board and wider membership ahead of the 2022 AGM.
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Ten top things about the 2021 English UK ELT Marketing Conference
28 September 2021
Ten top things about our 2021 ELT Marketing Conference held in central London on Friday 24 September.
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English UK x RefuAid: support our renewed partnership
23 September 2021
Moved by the selfless altruism of so many of our members, devastating news from around the world, especially from Afghanistan, and the knowledge that there are currently 1,500 people on the waiting list for the 'Language: A Gateway' programme, we are now developing our partnership with RefuAid, supporting the expansion of the language programme with renewed energy.
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