Member news
  • Displaying 441 - 445 of 1590
  • Share your expertise and support the industry as a board member
    11 December 2019

    If you have expertise in finance or marketing and/ or development, consider joining our sub-boards to support English UK members and the wider UK ELT industry through strategy, decision making and guidance.

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  • Make sure your new MP knows about the ELT sector: invite them to our Parliamentary meeting
    10 December 2019

    English UK and the Association of Colleges are taking over the first session of the All Party Parliamentary Group for International Students in the new Parliament on Wednesday 8 January.

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  • People trafficking: how ELT centres and schools can protect students
    9 December 2019

    Could your ELT centre or school be used for people trafficking? Recent news stories about Vietnamese students disappearing after enrolling at private schools have raised concerns.

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  • Achieve your aspirations and avoid burnout at the ELT Conference
    9 December 2019

    Sometimes the gap between our plans and achievements can feel expansive. Projects can slip between our fingers or we fight so hard to make it work that we burn out completely.

    Our first two plenary speakers at the ELT Conference next month will help you create a clear vision, bring the best out in your team and maintain good mental health for both professional success and life satisfaction.

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  • StudyWorld 2020: the event for the UK ELT industry to speak to the world
    8 December 2019

    No other event represents the UK ELT industry as well as StudyWorld. And it has never been more important that we tell our positive story to the world.

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