Member news
  • Displaying 461 - 465 of 1590
  • Managing underperformance through Performance Improvement Plans with Dawn Harry
    14 September 2019

    Managing underperformance can be a difficult area, often with the potential to lead to stress, anxiety or conflict for both the manager and the underperformer...

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  • Reach your full potential with management training and a gender equality discussion
    13 September 2019

    Explore how managers can develop themselves and their teams, record success and manage underperformance at an English UK training day with outstanding feedback. Then join a special evening event on how we hold ourselves back and what we can do to overcome it.

    Both events are held in Exeter on Thursday 26 September 2019.

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  • Government reforms post-study work route for students
    11 September 2019

    International students graduating in any subject will be allowed to stay in the UK for two years to find work in reforms announced by the Government.

    The change affects international students studying at UK universities and other higher education providers.

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  • Closure of One to One English
    10 September 2019

    Students affected by the closure of One to One English are receiving support from English UK.

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  • Save time and money by meeting quality agents at the Asia Pacific Roadshow
    5 September 2019

    Japan and Taiwan are crucial markets for UK education. But accessing such long-haul markets can be difficult and expensive, especially if you are looking for new contacts.

    Wouldn't it be great if you could just meet all the best agents in one room with time to connect one-to-one and informally?

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