Member news
  • Displaying 481 - 485 of 1591
  • Visa and compliance update - May 2019
    30 May 2019

    Important information about using e-gates and course extensions are highlighted in our latest update.

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  • Invest in your career and your centre's student management
    28 May 2019

    "Participants coming out of the Cert SSM know how to be well organised, meet deadlines and communicate well. It really is an investment in a person and their career," says Diane Phillips, a British Council inspector and Cert SSM trainer.

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  • Biggest-ever English UK Annual Conference creates a real buzz
    24 May 2019

    Student statistics, a panel discussion about Brexit opportunities and an explorer who claims to have eaten his own dog were among the highlights of the biggest-ever English UK Annual Conference.

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  • Helping people all over the world: the Eddie Byers Fund opens for new grants
    24 May 2019

    From schoolchildren in Africa and the Middle East, to refugees in the UK – it was the year when the Eddie Byers Fund broadened its reach to support a huge range of people to transform their lives through learning English.

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  • ELT centres need to be highly effective student recruiters, statistics report shows
    23 May 2019

    UK ELT showed a mixed performance in both the state and private sectors in 2018, according to the annual student statistics report.

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