Displaying 501 - 505 of 1591
Tourist chiefs confident of strong summer for UK
5 April 2019
New figures have been released by the UK tourist industry suggesting that it will grow faster than the digital industry in the coming years.
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Whatever Brexit we get, make the most of it for your ELT business
4 April 2019
After the popularity of our panel talk on Brexit at the English UK Marketing Conference, we are organising another for the Annual Conference.
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What are the main points of the Immigration White Paper for ELT?
3 April 2019
Read the main points of the Government's Immigration White Paper before industry consultation begins later in 2019.
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Updated: English UK's response to the Immigration White Paper
3 April 2019
The immigration white paper: English UK's response
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The Government’s International Education Strategy: what does it mean for the ELT sector?
29 March 2019
English UK is pleased with the outcome of the International Education Strategy which puts our sector at the heart of the UK's educational exports for the first time.
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