Member news
  • Displaying 526 - 530 of 1591
  • Showcase your centre to agents at post-StudyWorld fam trips
    30 January 2019

    Build partnerships by showcasing your centre to agents from long-distance, priority markets. 

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  • Showcasing UK education to the Middle East and North Africa region
    30 January 2019

    Visit our Education is GREAT village, find us at table 1, and on Monday evening attend either our agent seminar or our member-only briefing on operating effectively in the Middle East.

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  • Meet more than 150 travel specialists with complimentary place at Youth Travel Workshop by BETA
    29 January 2019

    Get a complimentary place at the Youth Travel Workshop to showcase your organisation.

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  • UK ELT has a voice in the government's international education strategy
    23 January 2019

    The Government's forthcoming international education strategy has been created with input from English UK.

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  • Inspiring list of speakers announced for our Marketing Conference
    23 January 2019

    Book a place at our Marketing Conference where you will discover inspiring ideas to promote your organisation.

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