Member news
  • Displaying 841 - 845 of 1592
  • English UK member interview by Financial Times on Brexit
    29 July 2016

    In an interview with Financial Times Business Editor Sarah Gordon, Val Hennessy, director of English UK member centre International House Bristol, explains the challenges facing her centre, and the UK ELT sector as a whole, following the referendum on European Union membership.

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  • Shakespeare Lives in 2016 - impact of UK ELT's destination UK campaign in China
    28 July 2016

    Shakespeare Lives is an unprecedented programme of events and activities running throughout this year, exploring Shakespeare as a living writer who still speaks for all people and nations. Discover how successful our 'ShakespeareLives:Play your Shakespeare' China campaign has been.

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  • Join our student-facing campaign in Latin America
    27 July 2016

    This Autumn, English UK will launch a student-facing campaign in Spanish-speaking Latin America under the Shakespeare Lives brand.

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  • Almost £2,000 raised for English UK Three Peaks Challenge
    21 July 2016

    Thank you to the many English UK members, partner agencies, friends and colleague who have sponsored the English UK Three Peaks Challenge so far.

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  • Chinese entrepreneurs learn negotiating skills in Brighton
    19 July 2016

    When The English Language Centre in Brighton had a request to put on a taster session for a group of Chinese visitors, they were happy to help.

    Whether learning legal English with a lawyer or focusing on crystal clear vowel sounds, English UK member centres like to meet customer demand.

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