Displaying 891 - 895 of 1592
Changes to Tier 4 visa applications: Points Based Calculator to be discontinued from April
13 March 2016
From 6 April 2016 the Points Based Calculator will no longer be an eligible source to support immigration applications and will be removed from service entirely on 10 April 2016.
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The GREAT video project - promoting UK summer programmes
6 March 2016
The GREAT Britain campaign is a UK government campaign designed to showcase the best of what the UK has to offer to the world. English UK is currently engaged in the delivery of two GREAT Britain campaigns - one in China and one in Brazil
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How effective is your website for international student recruitment?
4 March 2016
Discover the seven habits of highly effective websites with a free webinar on Tuesday 15 March.
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Northern Ireland Member Roadshow: how to market a destination students have never heard of
2 March 2016
The unique problems of marketing English language learning in Northern Ireland were highlighted at the latest English UK Member Roadshow.
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Free UKTI webinar: website optimisation for international trade
2 March 2016
Is your website optimised for international search engines? Discover how to optimise your website and strategies for overseas sales with industry expert Sarah Carroll.
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