Displaying 906 - 910 of 1592
Follow what's happening at today's English UK Marketing Conference on Twitter
5 February 2016
Although it is too late to join today's English UK Marketing Conference in person, you can still get a flavour of the event, and perhaps even pick up some helpful hints, by following us on twitter.
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PON funded programmes: exploring the opportunities
3 February 2016
English UK members are invited to join an information session on PON funding on Wednesday 24 February in London.
Around 20,000 young people studied English abroad in 2014 with support from PON funding, which amounts to three billion euros for 2014-2020.
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Statistics, Tier 4, Accreditation and more discussed at English UK's Cambridge member roadshow
1 February 2016
English UK members were able to ask questions about the association's plans, policies and much more at the first of its 2016 Roadshow events, held in Cambridge.
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Further clarification on exemption of study aboad from new Brazilian overseas payment tax
28 January 2016
Last week we reported the good news that study abroad programmes will be exempt from a new 25% tax on overseas payments imposed by the Brazilian government. A Department of Federal Revenue announcement (in Portuguese) this week has clarified how this new tax affects other course related fees.
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VisitBritain's new OMGB campaign promotes Britain in key ELT markets - get involved
27 January 2016
VisitBritain has launched a major campaign across Brazil, the USA, France and Germany, to promote GREAT Britain as the Home of Amazing Moments - encouraging would-be visitors to share their #OMGB (oh my GREAT Britain) moment.
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