Member news
  • Displaying 911 - 915 of 1592
  • English UK members (plus a lot of her own hard work) help Karol's dreams come true
    26 January 2016

    Meet our fourth English is GREAT competition winner. She won top marks for her self-composed song, performed in four parts. She'll study English in Wales. 

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  • Roadshow 4: juniors, special interest groups and student statistics drive the discussion
    22 January 2016

    Every English UK Member Roadshow is different, because it's driven by the interests of members. In Exeter the hot topics included support for members moving into juniors markets, the role of special interest groups and whether registration should be required for all English language centres.

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  • Join English is GREAT pavilions in Brazil at reduced prices this spring
    22 January 2016

    Meet high-quality prospective Brazilian students this spring at GREAT branded pavilions at the Salão do Estudante student fairs. English UK members receive discounted prices plus a £1,000 UKTI rebate for members who book for two or more cities.

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  • 'Play your Shakespeare' - free marketing campaign to raise your brand in China
    22 January 2016

    There is a great Shakespeare Lives marketing initiative happening in China that members could take advantage of.

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  • Brazilian government cancels tax on overseas courses
    21 January 2016

    The Brazilian Inland Revenue has just clarified that there will be no tax on the cost of an overseas course. 

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