Displaying 931 - 935 of 1592
Eddie Byers: a tribute by Sarah Cooper
16 December 2015
"I'm going to make this the best language association in the world". That was Eddie's pledge at his interview almost exactly two years ago, and that interview left the Board of Trustees in no doubt that we had found the man to lead English UK.
Sarah Cooper, board member and former chair, pays tribute to English UK's late chief executive, Eddie Byers.
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Inward Mission helps agents love the North of England
14 December 2015
English UK's latest inward mission was so successful that every participating agent who gave feedback says they would work with at least some the language centres they encountered.
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Agent briefing session responds to growth in Japanese market
11 December 2015
The latest safeguarding policies and an insight into teacher training were well received by an audience of 20 agents at a joint English UK - British Council, Japan - JAOS agent briefing session in Tokyo today.
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Prevent: implications of the anti-terrorism strategy on English UK members
7 December 2015
As you may know, Prevent is a government strategy to stop people becoming involved in violent extremism and/or in supporting terrorism. The initiative affects everyone - all students, staff and sub-contractors, such as homestay providers.
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MPs support launch of first major report into value of UK ELT
4 December 2015
MPs and their advisors joined members and staff of English UK and industry stakeholders at the House of Commons to launch of our research into the value of English language teaching.
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