Displaying 936 - 940 of 1592
Summer English course for Colombian students: British Council calls for proposals
4 December 2015
The British Council, Colombia is looking for a two-week British Council Accredited residential language course provider in the South East of England...
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UKTI Business Opportunity in UAE for organisations in English language training, innovation and e-learning
30 November 2015
UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) are promoting a partnership opportunity in United Arab Emirates (UAE) for organisations that can offer training in English Language around power and energy.
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Top tips for learning English: Listen to the radio
30 November 2015
What could you do to learn English quicker and better? English UK members share their tips...
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English UK's small fairs are a great place to meet quality agents
27 November 2015
English UK's latest small fair has attracted fantastic feedback from members delighted at the quality of agents and the opportunity to spend plenty of time with them.
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Action research: helping students learn, revitalising teaching (and it's time to apply for our 2016 scheme)
24 November 2015
Seasoned teacher Fiona Wattam wondered what her students did with the writing she so carefully marked when the same mistakes kept on appearing. So she decided to find out more, by carrying out an action research project in her classroom.
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