Member news
  • Displaying 991 - 995 of 1592
  • New initiative exploring the business potential of Italian scholarship funds for members proves a hit
    5 June 2015

    English UK's Conference & Workshop in Naples was designed to help English UK members explore the business potential of the PON (Programma Operativo Nazionale) project and other Italian scholarship funds

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  • British Council ELTons Awards: watch live
    3 June 2015

    Are you interested in innovations in English language teaching? Are you excited to find out who will win an ELTons Award? Join the ceremony live online Thursday 4 June from 18:15 BST

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  • English UK is going on the road - and we want to meet every member centre if possible
    2 June 2015

    This month, we're launching a new series of free events for all our member centres: the English UK Regional Roadshows. 

    We want to give every member centre the chance to get together with local colleagues and English UK staff to discuss your priorities, our plans to tackle the big issues facing us all, and get to know each other better.

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  • UKTI Business Opportunity: Peru - Delivery of training to Peruvian teachers of English- "Winter Schools"
    1 June 2015

    The Peruvian Ministry of Education (MINEDU) wishes to train approximately 400 state secondary school teachers of English on five three-week 'winter schools' during the Peruvian winter break in July and August 2015 in Peru. 

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  • Student Interview: Yoshinobu Murata
    28 May 2015

    Yoshinobu Murata, who is 30 and comes from Japan, found his course life-changing. He not only enjoyed travelling around England but used learning English in the UK as a gateway to explore Europe, a great chance for students coming from further afield.

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