Student News
  • Displaying 741 - 745 of 901
  • English UK's judicial review in "Your World on Monday"
    15 July 2010

    Hothouse Media's weekly webzine "Your World on Monday" featured English UK's high court judicial review this week. The webzine can be accessed here.

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  • High court judicial review judgement
    12 July 2010

    Mr Justice Foskett instructed that a change back to the A1 level of English for students wanting to study on a General Student Visa would be effective immediately.

    To read the judgement document in full, please click here.

  • English UK wins judicial review case
    10 July 2010

    More than 3,000 jobs and over £600 million a year in foreign earnings have been saved for the UK economy by a High Court judgement on which international students can come to the UK.

    English UK has today won its case in the High Court against the last Home Secretary’s decision to raise the level of English which students must have before they can get a UK visa to learn the language here.

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  • This week's UK news: 9 July 2010
    9 July 2010

    Get up-to-date with British news and culture with English UK!

    Every week, we summarise the news to give you some insight into what is happening in Britain, and what people are talking about.

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  • English UK nominated for the Star School Association Award
    9 July 2010

    Thank you to all our partners for nominating us as LTM Stars! English UK has been nominated for the Star School Association Award again in 2010.

    Winners will be announced just prior to StudyWorld London at the Language Travel Magazine Star Awards ceremony on Saturday 4 September. They will also be published in the August issue of Language Travel Magazine, which you can access here from 1 August. 
