Displaying 111 - 115 of 636
How is English UK's QUIC quarterly statistics scheme different for 2021?
10 November 2021
QUIC is our unique quarterly statistics scheme that provides in-depth insights on the UK ELT industry and its source markets every quarter. In 2021 it will run a little differently to normal.
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Successful project to improve worldwide English teachers' skills returns at double the size
7 October 2021
We are inviting bids from member centres to help improve the confidence, language and teaching skills of English Teaching Association (ETA) members in 40 nations.
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Ten top things about the 2021 English UK ELT Marketing Conference
28 September 2021
Ten top things about our 2021 ELT Marketing Conference held in central London on Friday 24 September.
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English UK x RefuAid: support our renewed partnership
23 September 2021
Moved by the selfless altruism of so many of our members, devastating news from around the world, especially from Afghanistan, and the knowledge that there are currently 1,500 people on the waiting list for the 'Language: A Gateway' programme, we are now developing our partnership with RefuAid, supporting the expansion of the language programme with renewed energy.
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Welcome and timely changes to international travel restrictions announced
20 September 2021
The government's announcement on Friday evening of a simplified system for international travel is both welcome and timely.
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