Training news
  • Displaying 291 - 295 of 636
  • Reasonable adjustments, wheelchair access and learning difficulties: ensure your ELT centre is inclusive
    16 November 2017

    How do you respond to enquiries about students who use wheelchairs? What counts as a "reasonable adaptation" to your centre? And how do you deal with students who turn out to have previously undiagnosed learning difficulties?

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  • The Eddie Byers Fund: helping refugees to read in Bristol
    14 November 2017

    A project supporting refugees' reading skills is the fourth recipient of the Eddie Byers Fund Awards for 2017.

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  • Supporting students with special or additional needs in ELT?
    13 November 2017

    Getting ideas and guidance on helping students with additional needs in English language centres can be difficult. 

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  • Inclusive classrooms: a day on specific learning differences
    30 October 2017

    Every centre wants to be as inclusive as possible, but advice and guidance on how best to identify and respond to students with specific learning and/or behavioural differences can be hard to find.

    Join us on Wednesday 22 November 2018 for a day of guidance and ideas.

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  • The Eddie Byers Fund: affordable English lessons in Ipswich
    24 October 2017

    A charity with the motto "Communicate to Integrate" has been awarded one of the first Eddie Byers awards from English UK.

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