Training news
  • Displaying 566 - 570 of 636
  • Roll out of Controversial Vetting and Barring Scheme Halted!
    16 June 2010

    The Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced on 15th June that there would be an immediate halt to the further introduction of the Home Office’s Vetting and Barring Scheme. The Scheme will now undergo a significant and unspecified period of review termed as ‘remodeling,’ and is in line with statements previously made in both of the ruling parties election manifestos to scale the scheme back to ‘common sense levels’.

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  • UKTI event: Doing Business in Asia
    10 June 2010

    London - 8 July 2010
    Manchester - 9 July 2010 

    Latest on-the-ground briefings on the business and political climate from the British Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Senior Representatives in 11 Asian markets, accompanied by senior business figures with extensive experience in these markets.  Develop contacts, network and learn about the support available from UKTI's experts and partners. 

    For more information, visit

  • AoC Annual International Conference
    10 June 2010

    Tuesday 15 June 2010
    CBI Conference Centre, London

    With the current demanding economic situation, the final round of PMI2 funding, and government changes, colleges are working in a demanding, uncertain and testing environment. This conference will look at challenges and opportunities facing colleges' international provision and how the sector can work together to meet them.  

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  • Salon Internacionale de Educacion (SIE)
    9 June 2010

    In the last 5 years, interest in British education (especially school management, curricula and educational technology) has re-emerged. The British education system is seen in Chile as one of the best in the world. 

    This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your products and services to key buyers and potential partners in Chile - Latin America’s best performing market-driven economy. For more informationa bout this event, please click here.

  • UKTI-supported BESA seminar, London 21 June 2010
    9 June 2010

    This seminar is largely aimed at companies new to export or interested in taking part in international exhibitions. The session will offer practical advice on how to develop an export strategy and signpost participants to the support available to them from BESA as well as outside agencies such as UK Trade & Investment.

    To view the programme and download the booking form, please click here.
