English UK governance: board elections, board minutes and rulebook
The English UK Board of Trustees sets the direction of the association and guides the work of the English UK team.
Visit our boards and advisory groups page to view current board members.
This page explains the board election process for members. You can find more details in the English UK rulebook.
Board elections
There are ten elected places on the board of trustees and up to two unelected places.
RIDEC, the representation, inclusion, diversity and engagement committee, may propose that up to two additional directors be appointed if, after an election, they feel the board's composition does not adequately reflect the diversity of English UK's membership. The additional directors would be appointed to broaden representation and diversity.
2025 board election
Six seats on our board of trustees are up for election this May. New trustees will serve for three years from May 2025 to May 2028.
Who can stand for election and how
We need experienced leaders from ELT centres across the membership to set the direction of our association and guide the work of the English UK team. Board members must have senior leadership experience and be employees or directors of an English UK member centre.
To stand for election, you need to find a 'proposer' to support your nomination and sign your nomination form. This person needs to work for another member centre.
Call for nominations will open on Friday 7 March and close on Friday 28 March.
> Download the nomination form
How to vote:
- The primary contact at each member centre will receive an email with a link to the voting platform, these will be sent on Tuesday 22 April, which is when voting will open
- The election is held under the Alternative Vote system: each voter ranks candidates in order of preference (1, 2, 3, 4 etc), and voters can rank as many candidates as they wish
- Details of the candidates, including their bio, candidate statement and optional video, are accessed on the voting platform
- Voting will close at 23:59 on Tuesday 6 May
- The election results will be announced at the AGM on Thursday 15 May
Board member responsibilities
The board of trustees is responsible for the association's overall strategy, policies, and activities. Trustees serve a term of three years and can stand for a second term.
The board meets four to five times a year, usually in person in London. Face to face attendance is encouraged, although it is possible to join meetings online. Members are expected to contribute to discussions and working groups between meetings.
Members of the board of trustees become directors and trustees of English UK Ltd.
Increasing representation on the board
We want our boards to represent the range of language centre types, UK regions they operate in, and the diversity of people working in UK ELT. We encourage members to consider this when they vote.
The RIDEC works to support this aim. They have the right to appoint two additional board members by invitation.
English UK Rulebook and Articles of Association
Our rulebook explains English UK's management structure and processes relating to:
- membership admission and subscriptions
- rights and obligations of membership
- suspensions and terminations
- board elections and meetings
- customer protection and the settlement of disputes.
English UK's Board of Trustees controls the rulebook.
Board of Trustees meeting minutes
Minutes from board meetings are available to member centres only. You'll need your member login to access them.
- MB98 minutes: 26 February 2025 (available in April/ May)
To request minutes of meetings held before 2023, contact membership@englishuk.com.